The SBC-UADI is single board computer based on the microcontroller MSP430F149 from TI.
It supports the following protocols:
1- MIL-STD-1553
2- ARINC 2 WIRES PROTOCOLS: 429 , 575, 562 , 572 , 582, 615.
3- ARINC 708 , 453
4- RS232



BMC develop it system based on IAR C compiler. The programs and workspace included in the CD are based on IAR compiler. The user can get from TI a C compiler for the above processor and from any other company.



BMC use the TI emulator MSP-FET430UIF. It can be purchased directly from TI.


CPU Programming:

There are two ways to program the CPU.

1-    Emulator – downloading the code using a 14 pin flat cable to connector H1 on the back of the board

2-    TI serial download – on MSPDOWNLOAD sub-directory in the CD the user can program his program using the BAT file. The program must have a TXT format according to TI specifications. It requires the following:

a-    a standard RS232 cable from the PC to a 9 pin D-type connector

b-    a 10 pin flat cable from the P1 (5x2) header on board to a 9 pin D-type connector

c-    Connect two jumpers vertically in J1-PROG 2x2 Header

Please note that with the jumpers,  user is not able to use the emulator.

The SBC is delivery without these jumpers – default.



BMC deeply suggest to use at the beginning the demo program included in CD - SBC-UADI sub-directory and based on the programs add project functionalities. 


1553 Receive Data Interrupt.

The unit uses Port2-7 as interrupt for 1553 receive data.  The procedure is located in RECUADI.C module:

__interrupt void P2int(void){


1553 Transmit Data:

The  unit has an embedded 1kx16 memory. The user can read or write data using procedures located in FPGA.C module:

1-    void ReadSingleDPM (int Address, char *pDATA){

2-    void ReadDPM (int Address, char *pDATA, int len){  // len in words

3-    void WriteDPM (int Address, char *pDATA, int len){  // len in words

4-    void WriteSingleDPM (int Address, char *pDATA){


1553 Operating modes:

The user can select board’s operating mode writing into Control register using procedure: void WriteFPGA (char XAddress, char *pDATA, int len){


RT mode

1-    Address -The user can select internal or external address ( P1)

2-    Memory segment 1kx16 ( 32 RT each with 32 WORDS) has data to be transmitted to the host-master unit


Jumpers on  J3 –J4 define 1553 bus connection:

1-    DIRECT COUPLING – jumpers on corners 1-2 & 7-8

2-    TRANSFORMER COUPLE – jumpers in the middle 3-4 & 5-6 - Default


Board initialization:

During Power-up operation the FPGA is initialized by a serial PROM. Signal DONE connected to CPU – PORT1-4 shows status: 0- not initialized 1- finish and successful initialization.


On board LED.

The program included in the CD uses the LED as a visual indication for proper initialization (BIT). The board has a 32.768 KHz crystal. An internal timer is initialized for a fast frequency, 3 Hz. After proper initialization it changes for a slower frequency, 1 HZ. Otherwise stays with 3 Hz frequency.

The program test internal data bus and FPGA memory.


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